Its only day three of the holidays.
And i am seriously bored.
Bored out of my skull.
There are things to do.
Like my G*ESL project that's due to be executed next wednesday.
i HAVE a presentation tomorrow.
Which i have SCARCELY prepared for.
So what's this about being bored?
I dunno.
Its just this sudden void in my life that has yet to be filled.
I noe i want to go out with someone really badly hehe.
*i cant wait for saturday*
arghhhh. i am super lazy to get started with this presentation slides.
I hate this stupid project thing.
Insanely time consuming worthless piece of ****
Thats how i REALLLLLY feel about it.
i just got a dinner invite tomorrow! with the chantiques! =) i loike!
hope tomorrow ends without a snag.
sat come quicklyyyy!!!!