Cough, sputter, cough, cough...
I probably inhaled about a year's worth of carbon dioxide. Swirls of black clouds hung heavy and mind you, it wasn't rain clouds. It was more like thick heavy smoke.
On thursday, the weather took a turn for the worse. Between 10am-12pm, the heavy smog just got thicker and thicker till the trees in the distance were not clearly visible. It was so bad that tonnes of people started buying masks. It was certainly very surreal. I never remembered singapore being swamped in that kind of smoke. It was much worse than wat Singapore experienced the last time.
Shortness of breath and tightness in the chest were what i experienced. Thank God i left KL that night. By then i had been sneezing since wednesday evening. Air quality was so bad but i was still at futsal training. God only knows why i went. Sheesh. But then again i did get my new jersey.
Its a beautiful orange and black colour. Think of the Dutch national side.Red and white were out of the options thanks to the indonesians that got first pick since they are our guests. So we've stuck with orange and black for the past 2 yrs.
Anyways, national day celebration at Kl was a blast. I was really happy that everything turned out right.Although the security guard almost spoiled the whole night. We almost got thrown out of the venue thanks the fact that they thought we were holding some illegal gathering. Sheesh. Of all the days. But the cake was really pretty. I'm still struggling with my new hp...cant seem to get it to cooperate with the pc

nice or not?
Anyway here are the before and after pics of the haze.

Before and...
Anyway, thanks to all me mates that made the National Day celebrations a real blast. I had a real great time working at breakneck speed with the rest of the EXCO members. But i truly think the people that deserve the greatest thanks would be to my Shash Kebab and Kho. Not forgetting the ever trusty Secretary, Seri.
Tak sabar next program lah pulak! Hehehehe....I really hope that the Treasure Hunt will go well! InsyaAllah!
Yeay besok payday! Sandals i must get. Shoesies??? Ugh...spend and spend and spend je!
Next up: 2 tests and an assignment to hand in!
Blardy crap.