Monday, November 15, 2004

1st Syawal

The first day went off without a hitch i should say...lucky for my whole family that my grandparents decided to come to singapore and spend eid with us...if not, this eid would be a dead one...

Woke up real early even after a late night...-khekhekhe...spent the night chatting after doing the i did ironing, cleaned the toilet AGAIN...took my shower and finally got dressed and helped my mom in the felt weird you know...spending eid without my felt like having an arm ripped off from your torso...i miss him real badly...last i heard they might not come back this thursday but this coming sunday instead!!! Noooooooo!!!!

Anyways...we all did the traditional salam and seeking forgiveness from our elders...i think i cried buckets...especially when i did it with my mom...luckily no one took my pic...nanti tak glam pretty much got ruined -har har-...but still, it was a great day...

The food??? Well wat can i say? It was phenomenal...kenyang giler dibuatnyer...there was lontong, ketupat, rendang, sambal udang, ayam masak merah, sambal kacang, sambal goreng (Nyai Endon style) fuhyooooo...takleh angkatz...we'll be getting more of that sambal goreng this thurs and i cant wait!!! Yum-yum...

Besides my close relatives coming over, there were only 2 other grps of pple that came to my house which made the whole day quite a quiet affair...since the dad's away with his parents...we didnt get to go to my paternal grandparents house...not to mention my dad is the only one who drives and my mom didnt want to go we were stuck at home the whole surprise there...So i'll only be going out this thursday with the Uni peeps! Gosh i cant wait...the perks of staying in a small country! We're gonna visit quite a few pple so we hired the bus and the works...everyone's gonna be dressed to the nines! And needless to say I'm gonna be taking the digicam with me so you can all expect some really good pics!

And pls Izzy...dont drop the cam again k? Or else i'll make you crawl on yor hands and knees to retrieve it! khekhekehke...cya thursday k?

Fading into oblivion

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